Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Welcome to my Commercial Real Estate Blog. I hope to post here at least once a week with current commercial real estate market conditions for the Twin Cities. I find many times so called "experts" are commenting on commercial real estate related events, who have never been a Commercial Real Estate Broker, and that it's time for a true professional in the field to voice his first hand knowledge.

I look forward to providing you with helpful and hopefully interesting information regarding the commercial real estate industry, financial markets and other useful information that may benefit you and your business. I may even throw in some tidbits about my life like say….the enjoyment of having a beautiful, patient and supportive wife (Katie) and a one year old daughter named Lucy! When I'm not working my tale off to provide you with great service I love spending my free time with my family. Well I hope you enjoy reading my blog and for convenience sake feel free to bookmark my website. Most importantly, check back often for updates and I always appreciate your feedback.



Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The 2008 NAIOP Twin Cities Office Market Update is Now Available

The 2008 NAIOP Twin Cities Office Market Update was given on November 20th and the news was all but great. Vacant space increased in 2008 and absorption is declining and this trend is likely to continue well into 2009. There are many factors affecting the market without including the financial markets, housing market, lack of available capital and increases in unemployment. The lack of funds to borrow is affecting all within the commercial real estate sector. Without funds to leverage business management and growth many companies are forced to downsize in order to save cash so that they can survive the current economic downturn. Owners are having trouble finding affordable financing to make sense of investment purchases which in putting a stop to sale transactions. Credit requirements are much tougher today and the debt to equity ratio is much lower meaning buyers have to come up with a lot more cash in order to purchase a building. Lastly, with companies downsizing, 2009 will bring a large amount of sublease space to the market. Not only will many of the existing vacancies remain but additional sublease space will add to the availability in the market. Hopefully the market will make a turn for the positive towards the end of 2009.